Saturday, November 19, 2011


I recently attended a Conversational Chairs event at Joslyn Art Museum.  Each of the ten conversation stations included two chairs, for two participants, and an envelope that held a question to be discussed, or ignored - depending on your interest.  My partner at the first conversation station was Tim Guthrie, someone I'd heard of but not met.  

The question our envelope held was, "What do you dream?"  We chose to speak on the dreams that are the thrilling, entertaining, and sometimes disturbing link to our subconscious activity.  He dreams in visual detail of houses that are not his, and I dream of straining my limbs through a pearly, viscous lake.  We then talked on Duchamp.  Our 8 minute timer announced that it was time to move to the next station, and all before we could talk on the figurative nature of dreams.  

A few nights back, I dreamed I was stuck in traffic between a garbage truck and a cement truck.  Then I found myself barefoot on a bike rolling slowly until the pedals broke off.  My phone, whenever a call was placed or received, broke in two.  I told a friend that the dream, if interpreted on the obvious surface level, seemed to indicate I was stuck.  He asked if I felt stuck in the dream.  And I replied that, in fact I didn't feel stuck so much as thwarted, frustrated, slowThat, he said, was the meaning of the dream.  

Well, soon my dreams may find me feeling fast or excited, rather than blockaded and irritable.  Because after a year of baking in our homes, selling our items exclusively through the Nebraska Food Co-operative, and searching for shared kitchen space, these Two Birds decided to look into outfitting our own licensed kitchen!  Our current plan is for a small kitchen for our own baking, rather than a bakery that serves customers on site.  This is a big decision, and one that brings with it the possibility for even bigger dreams.  

We've contacted the Douglas County Health Department and were directed to read the Construction Guidelines prior to meeting with potential contractors.

We will keep you updated on our progress, but as a teaser, take a look at the location we are hoping to locate our kitchen!  And feel free to pass along any advice; we live with open ears and open eyes!

~ Trilety

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