Sunday, December 19, 2010

Officially Sanitary

This past autumn, these Two Birds enrolled in a sanitation class which would teach us and test us on the basics of working within the food industry. This class is offered through Metro Community College's Culinary Arts Institute. We took the class to gain more knowledge about the protocol and processes that are encouraged by the FDA. Oh! There is much to know. A passing grade on our exam would certify us as safe food-handlers on a national level. And I should also say that not only have we come to know the material well, we also implement what we have learned everyday.

For example, please note that Trilety and I are sporting hair restraints (bandannas) as well as aprons while in the kitchen. We also cook/bake all products to their required minimum internal temperatures, we purchase all ingredients from reputable suppliers, we store our ingredients according to the First In First Out (FIFO) system, and we are in the process of developing our Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HASSP) plan. Doesn't that sound amazing?! Maybe not exciting, but it's really pretty cool and gives us a better understanding of the food industry. Knowledge is power!


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